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Dean's Message

Based upon the unlimited support for higher education from the Saudi Government, the College of Applied Medical Sciences (CAMS) at King Saud University (KSU)is keen to improve its educational environment for its students male and female. Because of the importance of CAMS and its great contributions in the development of health services, KSU accord to CAMS a great support for all of its activities. The quality of students learning outcomes is mainly based on the quality of learning environment and resources, including curriculums, faculty and facilities. In order to achieve an outstanding educational environment, CAMS focus first, on the development and improvement of the facilities by providing the best equipment for laboratories, lecture rooms and library. Second, CAMS attracts outstanding faculty from the entire world to ensure highest level of quality of learning, research and community services. CAMS is also striving to ensure quality assurance system for administrative and learning processes. For all of its programs, CAMS is in permanent contact with stakeholders to improve the internship training year, in order to ensure a highly qualified professional. Finally, I ask Almighty God to help us to succeed and makes our work all purely for Allah Dean of CAMS.

Dr. Yazid bin Abdul Malik Al Sheikh

About collage


CAMS maintains a unified academic system for applying teaching curricula and research programs for both male and female students and faculty alike. Each academic department is considered as a single academic unit or a program in its respective department; hence its respective department council (containing both female and male faculty) and chairperson are responsible for its academic affairs. The role of the supervisors at the Oleysha center is mostly administrative rather than academic. This innovative management structure was devised at CAMS as an effective means to ensure a unified academic policy-setting governance within the college for both male and female campuses who, at present, are located apart (in separate physical locations). In this respect, the Oleysha campus is not considered branch or separate center because it does not have separate academic departments. Such unified policy-setting governance at CAMS has proven over the past years to strengthen the academic integrity of each department and guarantee non-conflicting academic policies and ensure equal opportunities, privileges and rewards for both male and female populations. In this respect, the same overall policies and procedures are followed across College enrollment as well as the applications for research funds and distinguished publication awards. Furthermore, decision-making in academic affairs is discussed and approved at the level of the Department Council with the full participation of the female members. For this reason, separate SSRs for each campus would not be able to adequately represent the fully integrated nature of CAMS’s academic functions. The 7 academic departments at CAMS offer 7 different fields of study in applied medical sciences, with 10 Bachelor programs and 4 Master programs. a list of these departments and related educational programs. The description of the departments, their programs offerings and key requirements are detailed in the college guide for studies. Major milestones in the history of CAMS.




"Regional leadership with a global reputation in the fields of applied medical sciences"



"To contribute in the promotion of the health services for the Saudi community through producing qualified professionals with the ability to compete internationally in applied medical professions, to provide an environment that encourages learning and creativity, and to produce scientific research that contributes in building a knowledge based society"




Quality and excellence

  • Provide excellent academic programs according to quality standards and academic accreditation.

Leadership and teamwork

  • Prepare health care professionals with high conceptual, professional, leadership and research skills.


  • Excel with integrity and the spirit that nothing is impossible.

Freedom of inquiry

  • Provide academic and administrative environment that encourages learning, productivity and creativity.


  • Support performing and publishing applied Medical research that contribute to technological and medical advances.

community partnership

  • Support performing and publishing applied Medical research that contribute to technological and medical advances.
Last updated on : January 12, 2023 12:48am