Program learning outcomes
Program learning outcomes:
1- Analyze the theoretical concepts related to health education and promotion practice and research
2- Classify principles of evaluation and research related to health promotion .
3- Assess the role of health policy, finance, and management in healthcare
4- Differentiate between the determinants of inequity and inequality and improving health at national and international level
5- review principles of evidence-based health promotion
1- Construct needs assessment results for health education and promotion program formulation
2- Design culture- specific health promotion interventions to various groups across life course
3- Adapt evaluation and research methodologies related to health promotion
4- Communicate about health promotion topics using oral and written format for variety target groups using different methods
5- Combine data and information both quantitatively and qualitatively in complex and advanced contexts related to the field of health promotion
1- Comply with ethical principles and confidentiality during needs assessment, planning, implementation, evaluation and research in health promotion
2- Work effectively within a team to conduct health promotion interventions and build leadership skills